Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Christmas in New Zealand 2013

Well it's Christmas time again and I thought I had better do something on here about it. Not every country celebrates Christmas and for the past 3 years I was in one of those countries that have little to do with the festive season - South Korea. Yes there may be some lights and music in main centers like Seoul but generally Christmas is pretty low key compared to other more "western" countries.

So this is my first Christmas in a while. New Zealand is of course in the southern hemisphere so there is no snow for Santa. He gets to spend some time sunbathing in the summer heat (before heading up north to those colder areas).

A typical New Zealand Christmas involves opening presents that were under the tree, visiting family for lunch or dinner and maybe heading outside to a park or most likely the beach to try out those new presents with the kids.

This year however was quite overcast and showers kept most people inside with their new toys.

I took a few pictures of a typical New Zealand lunch - usually consisting of chicken, turkey or ham or all of the afore mentioned. Followed by desert of sugary foods.

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As there were no kids at our Christmas lunch you miss out on seeing all the colourful drinks and lollies (candy) that they would be eating.

Christmas lights are not such a big thing here but there are some people that like to put on a display for the public. I visited one local street that attracts a lot of locals around Christmas time when families can enjoy a walk out in the humid night air and take their kids to see the lights.

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Well there is a little look at a New Zealand Christmas.

Next week is of course New Years so I hope you are all enjoying the festive season and being safe and so on....

I will see you here next time with.... ? something interesting. ^^ Until then have a great week!

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