Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Carlile House Ponsonby Auckland New Zealand

Another crazy busy week for me but finally I am back posting with the eerie ghostly theme continuing from last week.

This week we visit Carlile House located in Ponsonby Auckland city (84 Richmond Road Grey Lynn).

Apparently 43 young orphan boys died of smoke inhalation in 1912. The building is haunted by these children and an eerie feeling of eyes peering down upon you is felt as you walk around the grounds of the building.

Definitely one of Auckland's best scary attractions it is located on the main street next to a church in the middle of a residential area!

Here is one persons experience of their visit to Carlile House:


Here are some pictures and an eerie YouTube video :)

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Well that's a short and sweet post for this week. :)

Next week I will bring you a surprise even for me! Because I don't know what it will be yet. :)

Until then have a fantastic week and weekend!

Sunday, 9 March 2014

North Head Devonport Auckland New Zealand

North Head Devonport Auckland New Zealand



North Head is a strategic military emplacement that was used for observation and defense of the Auckland Harbor since the late 1800's.

The view from  North Head is spectacular overlooking the city, Rangitoto island and looking down towards the north shore beaches. However one of the main attractions are the underground tunnels. Running all over the hill the underground tunnels are fantastic to explore and a good place to take a date for the excitement and intimate locations that you can find there among spectacular scenery and nature. ^^

Many legends circulate about some North Head tunnels being sealed off and there being guns and even a plane still being stored in some secret room. People have told stories of them wading up water pipes from the sea side of the hill to find secret caches of arms. I have not been able to verify any of these claims but they do make for a good story. ^^

Possibly one of the better locations to take some cool photos or do a photo shoot as it has a unique feel to it with really interesting locations.

Here are some pictures and a YouTube video.

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Gosh I have been busy the last few weeks. I'm not sure that I have slept that much and I cant remember if I even posted last week? Probably not... However I am back and this is part one of my eerie places to visit in Auckland. Next week we may head to Ponsonby to check out a great photo shoot location and eerie building.

I hope you have a great week and see you next time! ^^